Unified Blocks Plugin

Custom Sections (patterns) Created for WordPress Block Themes & delivered in one convenient plugin.

We are offering these custom designs and layouts that replicate common designs and layouts we use to build websites for our own clients!

Blocks Are Just Blocks. WordPress Likes To Call Groups Of Blocks Patterns. Here..? We Like To Call Them UNIFIED Blocks.

If you want to stand at the cutting edge of WordPress, embracing blocks is where you find yourself.

As the Founder and Web Designer of a web design agency, I choose to embrace blocks. I didn’t feel comfortable sticking with classic methods and editors while the world moved on around me. (side note: that doesn’t mean we don’t work with many sites that still do things the ‘classic’ way, but we like to build new sites using our FSE & Block framework)

I also think in the coming years when someone installs a WordPress theme that they’ll begin to expect it to be a block theme. They’ll be so used to blocks at that point that their natural thought will be, “what’s the best block for what I’m trying to achieve?”

The Unified Experience

Now as a web designer I like to use various layouts when designing any site. And I might find myself going back to my tried and true sections.

I thought how cool would it be to be able to reach for our very own block plugin that contains all those sections and designed layouts?

Enters the Unified Blocks plugin!

Why Use Blocks?


Do you want to do things the WordPress-way? Do you want to follow Matt Mullenweg’s lead & vision? Use blocks!


You don’t want to code.. you want to embrace this movement called “No Code”. Well blocks can deliver on that!


You write a lot of blog or website content! You’ll love the ease of building layouts, styling and adding content using blocks.


WordPress blocks are easy to search, add, copy, paste or move anywhere. Drag, drop, make reusable! They are so easy to work with!


You no longer need to use a theme that uses bootstrap or other methods to make your site responsive. Blocks are often responsive out of the box! Including how columns breakdown.


Combine this blocks plugin with a Full-Site Editing (FSE) theme, you’ll enjoy endless possibilities to build out great block landing pages.

The Features

This plugin provides custom block sections (aka, patterns)..

Like patterns, these blocks are really just a collection of blocks that deliver on what you see below out of the box.

Instead of trying to replicate these layouts from scratch through trial and error, you can literally drop one of these on any page that supports blocks, drop in your content, DONE!

A GREAT STARTING POINT – Use them out of the box default or employ your creativity to style them and lay them out however you wish!

What do you get today?

Image Gallery

Craft a Visually Stunning Narrative with Our Dynamic Image Gallery

Image Gallery Features

Presenting a collection of images on your website is not just about display; it’s about telling a story and capturing the essence of your brand. Our Image Gallery block, with its masonry and grid styles, is a robust tool for WordPress that allows you to create an impactful visual narrative. Key features include:

Masonry & Grid Styles: Choose between a uniform grid for a clean, aligned look or a masonry layout for a dynamic, varied presentation that fits images of different sizes together like a puzzle.

Column Flexibility: Adjust the number of columns to display your images in the best light, whether you’re aiming for a wide panoramic view or a focused single-column display.

Gutter Control: Fine-tune the spacing between images with gutter control, enabling you to create a seamless collage or define each image with ample space.

Image Lightbox Feature: Each image can be expanded in a lightbox for detailed viewing, encouraging users to engage with your content on a deeper level.

Interactive Hover Effects: Captivate your audience with subtle zoom in or zoom out effects on image hover, adding a layer of interaction and sophistication to your gallery.

Responsive & Mobile-Optimized: Designed for a flawless display on any device, our image gallery ensures your visuals look stunning on both desktop and mobile screens. The responsive layout adapts effortlessly, providing an optimal viewing experience that keeps your imagery center stage, regardless of where it’s viewed.

Whether you’re showcasing a portfolio, product images, or a series of event photos, our Image Gallery block is tailored to enhance the visual journey of your site visitors. Install it with ease and watch your website transform into an engaging, image-centric storytelling platform.

Carousel Slider

Seamlessly Showcase Your Creativity with Our Flexible Carousel Block

Carousel Slider Features

Dive into a world where displaying content dynamically is not just an option, but a creative journey. Our Carousel Block for WordPress Gutenberg editor gives you the reins to curate and exhibit your work in a captivating, scrollable carousel. Here’s what makes our Carousel Block a staple for your site design toolkit:

Versatile Slide Composition: Populate your carousel with any content blocks you desire, from images to text, or mixed media, tailoring each slide to your narrative.

Adaptive Display Control: Fine-tune the number of slides shown, with responsive settings that adapt to screen widths for optimal viewing, ensuring your carousel looks great on all devices.

Scroll Behavior Customization: Set the number of slides to scroll at a time, choose between single or multiple items, giving you the control over how your audience interacts with the carousel.

Smooth Animation Settings: Adjust the slide animation speed to create the perfect tempo for your content’s transition, adding a professional polish to your visual storytelling.

Navigational Preferences: Incorporate Prev/Next arrows, dots navigation, and pagination for a user-friendly navigation experience, or engage your audience with autoplay to create a continuous showcase.

Infinite Loop for Uninterrupted Browsing: Enable an infinite loop to give your visitors a seamless and endless exploration of your content.

Multilingual and RTL Support: The carousel is ready for global use, with Right-To-Left (RTL) language support, catering to a diverse audience and ensuring that language is never a barrier.

Interactive Design Elements: Engage visitors with interactive elements such as hover effects, enabling zoom or highlight functions that draw attention to specific aspects of your slides.

By implementing the Carousel Block, you enrich your website with a dynamic, interactive element that not only displays content but also enhances user engagement and retention. It’s designed to fit organically within your site, complementing your aesthetic and functional needs.

FAQ Toggle Panel

Streamline Your Information with Smart FAQ Toggles

FAQ Toggle Panel Features

Implementing an FAQ section on your website should be as simple as answering your customers’ questions. Our FAQ Toggle Panel is designed with this simplicity and your efficiency in mind. It’s a versatile and user-friendly tool for any WordPress Gutenberg editor that enables you to enhance your website with collapsible FAQ entries. Here’s why it’s beneficial for your site:

Effortless Integration: Add the FAQ block to any part of your website with just a few clicks. It’s fully compatible with the WordPress Gutenberg editor, ensuring a seamless workflow.

Unlimited Entries: Cater to all inquiries by adding as many questions and answers as you need. There’s no limit to the number of FAQ dropdowns you can create

Interactive Design: The toggle feature comes with straightforward JavaScript functionality, allowing users to expand or collapse information as needed, contributing to a cleaner and more engaging layout.

Customizable Aesthetics: Match your brand’s look and feel using CSS (for now). More styling capabilities are on the horizon to ensure your FAQs perfectly complement your site’s design.

User-Centric: Improve your site’s navigability by giving visitors quick and easy access to the information they seek, reducing bounce rates and increasing time on site.

Incorporate the FAQ Toggle Panel into your website today and transform how you present vital information, making it more accessible and digestible for your audience.

Image & Text Block

A simple block that allows you to create a nice 2 column section with ease.

Image & Text Block Features

Choose a left or right column layout for the image.

Heading, Description and button blocks are ready upon creation!

Simply Upload, Insert from URL or add an image from your existing Media Library.

Manage like any grouping of blocks. Each element comes with a selection of style options and configurations on the sidebar.

  • Typography
  • Text/Background Color
  • Margins/Padding
  • Radius
  • And More!

And of course you have advanced settings where you can add HTML anchors and Additional CSS classes.

Post Grids Block

A custom designed section layout to display your blog posts! A nice selection of options to make the perfect display to show your most desired content.

Post Grids Block Features

Heading, Sub-heading, Post Query and Button blocks are ready upon creation!

Manage like any grouping of blocks. Each element comes with a selection of style options and configurations on the sidebar.

  • Typography
  • Text/Background Color
  • Margins/Padding
  • Radius
  • And More!

Do you want that Read More link to say something else? You want it to be a button!? Yep, no problem. All the controls are there. ?

Open in new tab? You choose.

Starts with a default date format or choose from a dropdown of options — or build your own! Enter your own format string!

Modify the Query Loop

  • Choose the Post Type (eg, Post or Page)
  • Order by
  • Include Sticky Posts?
  • A variety of filters including by Category or Author!

And of course you have advanced settings where you can add HTML anchors and Additional CSS classes.


Every website that sells products or services needs a testimonials section. We’ve created this custom design and layout.. just for you.

Testimonials Block Features

Heading, Media, Highlights, Stars, Descriptions, Author and Location blocks are all ready upon creation!

Simply Upload, Insert from URL or add an image from your existing Media Library.

Manage like any grouping of blocks. Each element comes with a selection of style options and configurations on the sidebar.

  • Typography
  • Text/Background Color
  • Margins/Padding
  • Radius
  • And More!

Slider Settings

  • Autoplay True or False
  • of Slides to Show (2 or 3)
  • Speed
  • Autoplay Interval

Stars are Editable

  • Choose Your Own Graphics
  • Copy or Remove the existing stars

Don’t have a location? No worries.. just DELETE THE BLOCK !

And of course you have advanced settings where you can add HTML anchors and Additional CSS classes.

Cards Block

You’ll find sections with cards on a lot of sites these days. It’s a great way to display some highlights about your products, services and/or features! Custom designed just for you!

Cards Block Features

Heading, Subheading, Media, Titles, Descriptions and Read More link blocks are all ready upon creation!

Simply Upload, Insert from URL or add an image from your existing Media Library.

  • Our screenshot above has a small icon image. You aren’t limited (eg, add a full width image of your choice!)

Manage like any grouping of blocks. Each element comes with a selection of style options and configurations on the sidebar.

  • Typography
  • Text/Background Color
  • Margins/Padding
  • Radius
  • And More!

Change the ‘Read More’ link to a button! You have all the control!

Managed as columns you can have as many cards as you want. Remove or add more!

And of course you have advanced settings where you can add HTML anchors and Additional CSS classes.

Angled Background Block

Angles! Who doesn’t like angles? This is simply an Angled Background column that can house any group of blocks. It’s just a nice design element I like to use in my website designs and thought I would share with you!

Post Grids Block Features

Media, Heading, Subheading, Descriptions and Social Icon blocks are all ready upon creation!

But truly this is just dressing.. you can remove all of them and put any content inside the angled column group you’d like! (tip: if you do this, don’t delete Angled Background Column > Group > Columns. Everything should go inside of that.)

Simply Upload, Insert from URL or add an image from your existing Media Library.

Our screenshot above has a small icon image. You aren’t limited (eg, add a full width image of your choice!)

Manage like any grouping of blocks. Each element comes with a selection of style options and configurations on the sidebar.

  • Typography
  • Text/Background Color
  • Margins/Padding
  • Radius
  • And More!

The social icons block is core WordPress. Just click on that block and add new icons by click the + sign. Then click each icon to add the URLs.

And of course you have advanced settings where you can add HTML anchors and Additional CSS classes.


Get started with this popup plugin to help you capture more leads and sales! And test drive it for free! (does require credit card)

Just $29.99 / Year

Single License Annually. Click the Buy Button to See Other Payment Options.

Monthly & Lifetime Also Available

Get the Unified Plugins DIY Bundle Today!

Get all our plugins + AgencyForge (our FSE Block Theme)