Building Scalable WordPress Sites: Tips and Strategies for Agencies
Building scalable and replicable WordPress sites is both an art and a science, blending creativity with technical expertise. The “art” lies in crafting user-friendly, visually appealing designs that reflect client…
How Custom WordPress Frameworks with Plugins and FSE Themes Empower Agencies
WordPress hasn’t been just a blogging platform for a long time—even before the advent of Full-Site Editing (FSE). As someone who started using it back in the mid-2000s when it…
WordPress Plugins: How to Enhance Your Website’s Functionality and Performance
When it comes to WordPress, plugins are the secret sauce that turns a simple website into a powerhouse of functionality. Whether you’re a DIY user building your personal blog or…
Web Development Strategies: Building a Scalable Framework for Agencies
In the fast-paced world of web development, agencies are constantly seeking ways to improve efficiency and deliver consistent, high-quality results. One of the most effective strategies to achieve this is…
Simplifying Website Launch: How to Keep Your Launch Light and Efficient
Hey there! Matt Levenhagen here, ready to chat about a topic that’s often overcomplicated but doesn’t have to be: launching your website. Let’s keep it simple, shall we? The Case…
Taming Plugin Creep: A Definitive Guide for WordPress Site Owners
Ah, WordPress plugins. They’re like the candy of the web development world. Colorful, tempting, and there’s always room for one more. Or is there? I’m Matt Levenhagen, and if you’re…
Building the Ultimate Content Creator’s Oasis in WordPress
Creating a Harmonious Workspace I love to write. I’ve had so many blogs over the years going back to the 2000s. I’ve had ‘blogs’ and I’ve also just written a…